PODCAST: Fans of the Champs with Dan Larsen
More chat about the journey of being a Bucks fan and what it feels like to see them crowned as champions
The second episode of our Fans of the Champs arrives as we catch up with an old friend of the show.
Dan Larsen has been a guest on Win in 6 many times over the years, used to write alongside Jordan and I at Behind the Buck Pass, and is a long-time, real life friend of Jordan’s. You can follow Dan on Twitter here.
Just like we did with Ben in the first episode, we chatted with Dan about the full range of his experiences as a Bucks fan, tracking all the way from the origins to the glory of a long-awaited championship.
Again, if you’re enjoying these interviews, let us know! We’ve got more in the pipeline and may even extend the series out further if everyone is having enough fun listening to these personal perspectives on being a Bucks fan and seeing Milwaukee finally take home another championship.
We’ll be back with another great episode later in the week, so watch out for that!