VIDEO: Our first game of GSPN Jeopardy! was controversial and hilarious.
We put our Bucks knowledge on display for the YouTube audience and podcast listeners to enjoy.
When Rohan Katti first pitched the idea of doing Milwaukee Bucks Jeopardy, I was definitely interested in figuring out how we could put such a production together.
Thankfully, Rohan did pretty much all of the work, including hosting and coming up with questions for this first round, so all Adam McGee, Jordan Treske, and I had to do was hit the buzzer and answer in the form of a question. Easy, right?
Well, things started off a bit dicey with a contentious first question and proceeded from there with plenty of shots fired back and forth between contestants and even the host through our first-ever game — I guess dysfunction and Jeopardy just go hand in hand these days.
Still, the game was a ton of fun and the next round should be even smoother, and it’ll be fun to see the loser of this game get to put together their own devilishly hard categories and questions. When you watch/listen to find out who that is, try your hand at answering the questions in real time and let us know how you do in the YouTube comments or on Twitter!
(Programing note: the audio-only version won’t be up until Thursday afternoon, as this is definitely a video-first production.)