PODCAST: Fans of the Champs with Andrew Snyder
An old friend of the pod returns with Tales of the South: NBA Conference Finals edition
Our Fans of the Champs series continues as we catch up with one of our great friends and the first non Bucks fan to appear in this series.
Describing Andrew Snyder as a non-Bucks fan isn’t that straightforward, though, as he’s been a regular on the pod with us in years past, has written about the Bucks, followed along closely as a friend of Bucks Twitter, and then took that further by venturing into enemy territory to cheer on the Bucks in Game 6 of the Eastern Conference Finals (and to follow that up with a slightly inebriated spot on Wisconsin TV).
We talked with Andrew about what it’s been like to witness the Bucks’ evolution over the years, as well as what Milwaukee’s championship offers to fans of other small market teams.
By popular demand, more Fans of the Champs episodes are in the pipeline, so stay tuned for those!